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Divorce your Car! (book)

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Divorce your Car! (book) Empty Divorce your Car! (book)

Post  msistarted Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:58 pm

Divorce your Car! Ending the Love Affair with the Automobile (New Society Publishers, ISBN 0-86571-408-Cool, written by Katie Alvord and with a foreword by Stephanie Mills, proposes that automobiles have lost their value as a convenience and have become a hindrance, even an addiction. "Today's relationship with the automobile inflicts upon us pollution, noise, congestion, sprawl, big expenses, injury, and even death. Yet we continue to live with cars at a growing cost to ourselves and the environment." [1] There are several arguments for her thesis presented throughout the text as well as some suggestions for how to wean one's self from automobiles.

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