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Trienio Liberal

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Trienio Liberal Empty Trienio Liberal

Post  msistarted Sat Jan 08, 2011 12:24 am

The Spanish Civil War of 1820–1823, also known in Spanish as the Trienio Liberal (English: Liberal Triennium) , was fought in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars. It was a conflict between royalists and liberals with Bourbon France intervening on the side of the royalists. The revolutionaries of 1820 succeeded in forcing the monarchs of Spain and the southern Italian Kingdom of the Two Sicilies to grant liberal constitutions against their wills. It also involved a French invasion of Spain in April 1823, aimed at restoring King Ferdinand VII to the Spanish throne. This invasion is known in France as the "Spanish Expedition" (expédition d’Espagne), and in Spain as "The Hundred Thousand Sons of St. Louis".

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