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Facebook Risks Legal action over Privacy

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Facebook Risks Legal action over Privacy Empty Facebook Risks Legal action over Privacy

Post  Admin Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:01 am

Facebook Risks Legal action over Privacy 4711_N%209(Big)Facebook could be hauled into court amid concerns there are “serious gaps” in their policies protecting members’ privacy. Britain's privacy commissioner has investigated the site and warned it could be breaking the law. It has published a report which suggests users do not understand how to delete private information and their details could fall into the wrong hands. If the social networking site does not address the privacy concerns within 30 days, it could face legal action, the report said. “We urge Facebook to implement all of our recommendations to further enhance their site, ensure they are in compliance with privacy law, and ultimately show themselves as models of privacy,” Assistant Commissioner Elizabeth Denham said

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Facebook Risks Legal action over Privacy Empty Re: Facebook Risks Legal action over Privacy

Post  RShackleford Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:29 am

It is frightening to think that such a huge social networking site would have privacy concerns. It's appalling to think that a company would take advantage of the trust placed in it by millions. I think I will steer clear of facebook.
Truck Accident


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