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Yahoo!, Microsoft in Web search partnership

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Yahoo!, Microsoft in Web search partnership Empty Yahoo!, Microsoft in Web search partnership

Post  Admin Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:11 am

Yahoo!, Microsoft in Web search partnership 5065_13-yahoo%20big
Yahoo! and Microsoft unveiled a long-awaited Web search partnership on Wednesday that would unite the two companies against market leader Google. Under the no-cash deal, Yahoo! will use Microsoft's new Bing search engine on its own sites, while Yahoo! will act as the exclusive global sales force for the companies' premium search advertisers. It is restricted to Internet search and related advertising revenue, while the pair would retain full autonomy over other properties and products such as email, instant messaging and display advertising. Ballmer said Microsoft expected transition costs of "a few hundred million dollars in the first couple of years." Bartz said a number of Yahoo! search employees will go to Microsoft and "unfortunately there would be some redundancies" at Yahoo! "We have no numbers to announce at this time," she said. "Nothing will change until we get regulatory approval." Yahoo! said it stood to gain about 500 million dollars in annual operating income and 200 million dollars in capital expenditure savings from the deal. The Sunnyvale, California, company also estimated the agreement would provide it with a 275-million-dollar benefit to annual operating cash flow

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Yahoo!, Microsoft in Web search partnership Empty Re: Yahoo!, Microsoft in Web search partnership

Post  crazzycat Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:55 am

i hope it will develop their search system


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Yahoo!, Microsoft in Web search partnership Empty Re: Yahoo!, Microsoft in Web search partnership

Post  RShackleford Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:23 am

Maybe together they will be able to give google a run for their money. It would be good to see some healthy competition among the giants. maybe they will even manage to de-thrown google someday. That would require a great deal of creativity and innovation, but who knows...
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