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Nikon Announces the Nikor 50mm f1.8G

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Nikon Announces the Nikor 50mm f1.8G Empty Nikon Announces the Nikor 50mm f1.8G

Post  toolsvlz Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:55 pm

The folks at Nikon call the new Nikkor 50mm f1.8G the evolution of a classic. Its fast, compact and inexpensive, and Nikon believes that its going to be a standard for photographers moving forward.

The 50mm lens has been a staple for photographers since the 35mm film days,says Nikons Lisa Osorio. This new lens enables Nikon customers that shoot photos and movies to discover the creative benefits of this traditional focal length.

The new 50mm Nikkor lens is made for travel photography and low-light shooting as well as architecture and landscape photography. It boasts the new Silent Wave Motor for quiet AF operation, and can focus as close as 1.48 feet.

The lens will be available at authorized dealers starting on June 16th at a price of 219 dollars. review digitalcams
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