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Cave Story

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Cave Story            Empty Cave Story

Post  msistarted Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:39 pm

Cave Story (洞窟物語 Dōkutsu Monogatari?) is a freeware platform-adventure video game released in 2004 for PC. It was designed and programmed over five years by Daisuke Amaya, art-name Pixel, in his free time. The game features classic 2D platform mechanics and is intended as an homage to the classic games that Pixel played in his youth, such as Metroid and Castlevania.
The game focuses on an amnesiac silent protagonist who awakens in a cave. Through his explorations, he discovers a plot by the Doctor, a megalomaniac who intends to force the inhabitants of the cave to fight for him in his bid to conquer the world. The protagonist is thrust into the position of savior as he endeavours to defeat the Doctor.
After its initial release on the Internet, Cave Story slowly gained popularity as an indie game. It received near universal acclaim for its compelling story and gameplay. As a result, Nicalis, an independent video game company, worked with Pixel to bring the game to Nintendo's WiiWare service in 2010. This version features more detailed artwork and additional gameplay modes, and has been nominated for 2010 Nintendo Power Awards Game of the Year.

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