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Comic book

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Comic book Empty Comic book

Post  msistarted Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:28 pm

A comic book or comicbook[1] (often shortened to simply comic and sometimes called a funny book, comic paper, or comic magazine) is a magazine made up of narrative artwork in the form of separate "panels" that represent individual scenes, often accompanied by dialog (usually in word balloons, emblematic of the comic book art form) as well as including brief descriptive prose. The first comic book appeared in the United States in 1934, reprinting the earlier newspaper comic strips, which established many of the story-telling devices used in comics. The term "comic book" arose because the first comic books reprinted humor comic strips. Despite their name, however, comic books do not necessarily operate in humorous mode; most modern comic books tell stories in a variety of genres. The Japanese and European comic book markets demonstrate this clearly. In the United States, the superhero genre dominates the market.

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