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Huma Akram, Wasim Akram’s wife died

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Huma Akram, Wasim Akram’s wife died Empty Huma Akram, Wasim Akram’s wife died

Post  Admin Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:56 pm

Sunday, October 25, 2009 at 10:00 pm
Huma Akram, Wasim Akram’s wife died, Huma Akram the wife of former Pakistan captain Wasim Akram died on Sunday. According to reports, Huma Akram died at a hospital in Chennai. The wife of Pakistani legendary cricket star was taken to a hospital in Chennai after she suffered multiple organ failure. At the time of her death, Huma Akram was 42 years old.

On Oct 20, she was admitted at a hospital in Chennai in an emergency situation. The air ambulance carrying Huma had stopped in Chennai after her condition worsened. The air ambulance was going to Singapore from Lahore.

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Join date : 2007-08-07

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