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Settlers from the United States

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Settlers from the United States Empty Settlers from the United States

Post  kosovohp Sat Dec 25, 2010 12:49 am

In 1822, the American Colonization Society (A.C.S.), working to "repatriate" black Americans to greater freedom in Africa, established Liberia[11] as a place to send people who were formerly enslaved.[4][12] This movement of black people by the A.C.S. had broad support nationwide among white people in the United States, including politicians such as Henry Clay and James Monroe. They believed this was preferable to emancipation of slaves in the United States. Clay said, because of "unconquerable prejudice resulting from their color, they never could amalgamate with the free whites of this country. It was desirable, therefore, as it respected them, and the residue of the population of the country, to drain them off."[13] The institution of slavery in the U.S. had grown, reaching almost four million slaves by the mid 19th century.[14] Some free African Americans chose to emigrate to Liberia.[15] The immigrants became known as Americo-Liberians. Many present-day Liberians trace their ancestry to them. On July 26, 1847, Americo-Liberian settlers declared independence of the Republic of Liberia.[16][17]

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Settlers from the United States Empty Re: Settlers from the United States

Post  heroisthai12 Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:35 pm

Clay said, because of "unconquerable prejudice resulting from their color, they never could amalgamate with the free whites of this country. It was desirable, therefore, as it respected them, and the residue of the population of the country, to drain them off."[13] The institution of slavery in the U.S. had grown, reaching almost four million slaves by the mid 19th century.[14] Some free African Americans chose to emigrate to Liberia.

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